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Patient Care, Complex Cases
At 21 weeks of pregnancy, a patient with a tumor diagnosis presents a complex surgical challenge.
Neurosurgery Highlights, Neurosurgery Highlights 2019–2020
When Jay Weiner’s heart stopped in the OR, he was with the right team of doctors at the right time.
Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report, Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report Fall 2019
Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriquez designs an ambitious surgical plan to restore mobility to a patient’s face.
News & Views, News & Views Summer 2019
Experts took an innovative surgical approach to repair a severe ankle injury.
June 4, 2019
A cochlear implant restored hearing in a patient left without hearing after her NF2 tumor removal.
Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Year in Review, Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery 2017 Year in Review
A patient who had a stroke and heart transplant has made a strong recovery with aerobic exercise.
Rusk Rehabilitation Year in Review, Rusk Rehabilitation 2018 Year in Review
Lee Zhao, MD, pioneers robotic ureteroplasty with buccal mucosal graft.
Urology Year in Review, Urology 2018 Year in Review
An advanced, technology-driven approach enabled the resection of a cavernous malformation.
Neurosurgery Year in Review, Neurosurgery 2018 Year in Review
Experts took an innovative, radical surgical approach to correct a long-standing spinal deformity.
A young patient recovering from an idiopathic stroke is playing the violin again.
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